Crestone Solar School students during a study break
Interactive learning at the white board
Pointing out the answer to a solar design problem
Passive solar clients visit solar hot water installation by Paul Shippee
Local solar greenhouse in midwinter
Students pause for photo op during solar Home Tour
Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Panels
Solar Thermal Collectors and Thermal Storage
Solar Homes
Thermal Mass
Local Scenery
Paul Shippee
November 15, 1937 – August 31, 2023
Paul Shippee, an original first-generation American student of Suzuki Roshi and of Vidyadhara Chögyam Trunpa Rinpoche, a highly innovative and creative early-sangha pioneer, an enduring and devoted Dharma practitioner and a friend and close dharma-cohort to so many of us, has died. READ MORE